Thursday, April 15, 2010


 yup!! Mashi-senpai, here's the  人間失格 synopsis 4 you.. douzo~

"No Longer Human" paints the portrait of the life of Ōba Yōzō (大庭葉蔵), a troubled soulself to others and who is instead forced to uphold a facade of hollow jocularity. The name of the main character, Ōba, is actually taken from one of Dazai's early works, "Petals of Buffoonery" (道化の華). incapable of revealing his true
Ōba refers to himself throughout the book using the reflexive pronoun "Jibun" (自分), whereas the personal pronoun "Watashi" () is used both in the foreword and afterword to the book by the writer, whose name is unclear.
Dazai might have been a sufferer of Complex post-traumatic stress disorder whilst writing the book. Mike Lew has praised the book for expressing male sexual trauma.


The novel is composed of three chapters, or "memorandums", which chronicle the life of Ōba from early childhood to late twenties.
  • First Memorandum - Overcome by an intense feeling of alienation and finding it nearly impossible to socialize with those who surround him, Ōba can't but resort to buffoonery in order to establish interpersonal relationships and engage in a vain attempt to forget the abuse he was subjected to by a female servant during his childhood.
  • Second Memorandum - Ōba becomes increasingly concerned over the potential penetrability of his cheerful facade. He neglects his university studies. Under the influence of a fellow artist he meets at a course, Horiki, he descends into a vicious cycle of drinking, smoking and harlotry, culminating in a one-night stand with a married woman with whom he intends to commit double suicide by drowning. Though he survives, she dies, leaving him with nothing but an excruciating feeling of guilt.
  • Third Memorandum - Several years later, Ōba is expelled from University and falls into a relationship with a young and naïve woman. Ōba stops drinking and things seem to work out well until Horiki shows up, turning Ōba to self-destructivity again. Feeling distant from his wife, Ōba is once again driven to the verge of committing suicide, but unable to do so, he becomes an alcoholic and a morphine addict. He is eventually interned in a mental institution, and, upon release, moves to an isolated place, concluding the story with numb self-reflection.
  • if tgk secara kasar may be owg akan tgk Yozo sebagai 人間失格 (failed as a human) cuz he's an alcoholic, womanizer, addicted to drug.. etc.. tp dr sudut pandangan kouhai as a sociology student, Yozo jd cmtu pn sbb cara dia disosialisasikan. means cara dia dibesarkan. dr kecik g dia dh ada trauma dsbbkn sex abused by his servant during his childhood. then ms kt skul pn dia cm dipinggirkan dgn mmbr2. tp dia ttp maintain ok je dgn diowg sme. walaupun kt lua dia nmpk cm ok / happy but deep down inside he was so depressed. then lg teruk bila ade bad influence from his friend~ Horiki. dr situ r dia mula tlibat dgn alkohol, prmpuan, etc.. kalau nk ikotkn, Yozo sbnanya sowg y innocent gk r.. tp dsbbkn pngaruh mmbr la dia tjebak dlm lifestyle y teruk. kalau la dia dpt kwn y baik da tntu r dia x kn jd cmtu. kesimpulannya, antara sbb Yozo failed as a human dsbbkn dia x dpt kwl emosi becuz of his trauma + cara dia disosialisasikan + bad influence from his fwen.
  • for me, cter ni de msg y t'sendiri. x leh tgk dr 1 sudut je cz kte xkn nmpak pe sbnanya y nk dsmpaikan olh Dazai in his novel (since diz novel is semi-autobiography y ceritakan bout Yozo tp de ckit kena mngena dgn Dazai.)
  • 4 me, jahat or teruk mana pn sesowg tu, kdg2 kna fikir gk knp dia leh jd cmtu. may be sbb owg tu mmg da jht so datz why la dia cmtu tp y sstgh tu may be de sbb len r. cth cm pe y blaku kt Yozo / Dazai. 
  • jd.... sbna-bnanya, x leh r nk judge ssowg tu ske ati je.. everything happens 4 a reason rite?? de la sbb ttntu owg tu jd cmtu. lw mmpu utk bntu, try la bntu owg cmni. lw dia x nk, kte pn x leh r nk wt pe. tp y plg pntg, tlg r diowg slagi mmpu. dlm kes Yozo ni mslhnya, dia da tpengaruh dgn Horiki so mmg ssh r utk tlg dia.
  • dsbbkan trauma n depresi y truk, dia bbrp kali nk bunuh diri. laz2 mmg dia mati sbb bunuh diri r. sama la cm Dazai. lps dia ciapkan novel NINGEN SHIKKAKU ni, x lama lps tu dia pn bunuh diri gk. datz why la novel ni antara his masterpiece. huhu.. dasat kn?? 
hehe.. ni je r y kouhai mmpu cter kt senpai ^^ hehe... sowi cz pnjg sgt mbebel bout ma  thougts of diz novel/movie.

12 TomatoLurve:

マシトマ said...

1st- *blush* sgt tharu la ble de some1 share bout their thought-
2nd- dis story,for me even xpnh tgok jz saw the preview- senpai nmpk nk bwa this chrcter, need some1 who can make it with a real
1 cz,dis story mmrlukan pjiwaan yg sgt2 mdlam- *sigh* 3rd-Pe yg senpai rse, from ur synops- Oba ni mwakili 2character yg prlu dismpaikn oleh Toma-kun.. cm msa kte tgok BTS of NS..seems too hard ryte?crita yg memerlukan byk emosi-*em,pe2 pon senpai hrp our toma- xkn tbawa dgn wtak Oba..even die pnh lalui pe2 kisah pon* Amin- pe2 p0n senpai sgt2 mghargai pe yg kouhai wt *tears*

生田MIZZA said...

mmg cter ni sgt heavy n plu sgt2 mnjiwai perasaan wtk y dbawa. TOMA-kun pnh ckp dlm 1 interview y wtk ni mmg sgt bnyk bmain dgn prasaan. kdg2 dlm sminggu shooting tu cm x yh hfl skrip pn xpe cz bnyk scene y plukan dia ekspresikan emosi n tindakan yozo. g pn ni bkn cter y ske2 ati je cz cter ni sgt heavy n plu fhm btul2.

マシトマ said...

btoi2 hope director len, akn mnawarkn lbey byk cter2 best yg lbey grand for him.. N want toma wins alot of award.. Kalo bley ammy award haha.. *tbe2*
Em, lakonan toma sgt2 best *bkn nk puji* tp knyataan*
Pasni, senpai nk sgt tgok die blakon sbg wtak yg cm cgu! Sensei,kyoushai! Hehe.. Atleast nt ley byg cmne die jd pgajar.. Or wtak... Yg die bwa kete ke? He- sgt2 teruja nk tgok die drive.. Pnh la tgok die nek kete.. Tp utk photoshoot.. Um, eh, kt HYD die de part drive x?

Mrsjunne said...

wah crazy fan tul ni..hihi

生田MIZZA said...

yup2.. hope TOMA-kun akn dpt lbey bnyk twrn g. (^o,^) hehe... well, i'm sure he'll win some awards.. cz he really deserve it.. ^^ .hehe.... mst comey je if TOMA-kun jd sensei kn?? kouhai lk nk tgk dia bwk wtk cool cm manager/ceo kt big company. mst kakkoi gler... ^^ pnh tgk TOMA-kun drive dlm cter maou je... kt HYD dia x drive pn. huhu..

生田MIZZA said...

miss jun: alamakkk.... kantoi... uhu... cgan nye kite.. ~_~

マシトマ said...

oww.. Dat 1 lpe lak..haha..yg die kua pkai pyung 2 kn? Nk jmpe de gurl.. For his task.. Sou2 senpai lupa.. Well msa 2 x focus sgt la..sbp nama pon cD pnjm,so tgok p0n nk kna lekas la kn huhu.. Mish ma toma, part die blari.. Mnjerit.. Mrh... Sdih, tkut.. N guilty.. Huhu.. Mish him.. *glance to mai toma hehe*

生田MIZZA said...

huhu tp part y dia nanes dlm ujan lg r.. cdey je tgk. huhu... mmg sgt real je TOMA-kun blakon.. ^^ respect cz dia blh blqkon dgn mcm2 emosi ^6

マシトマ said...

huhuh- lg2 for his new movie.. hanamizuki.. adeh romantic lor ma toma.. em, toi ke nt toma ad new butai? cz senpai de nmpk kt 1 tmpt ni.. dlm bln 9.. em, xthu la kn >_< cant wait for his news!

生田MIZZA said...

huhu.. yg bout his new butai tu x sure. huhu.. senpai nmpak kt ne eh??

マシトマ said...

kt group FB kalo xsilap- kouhai pon de join dats group.. pe ek nme die.. tp ad la ikita kotoba kt situ ;p

生田MIZZA said...

owh.. huhu... tw2.. he2.. t kouhai g check ^^