IKUTA TOMA-kun, omedetou..
Wa.. Release gk cter
Tp kt Jepun r..
Hu2.. Hrp2 cter tu akn release r kt M'sia..
I really wanna watch diz movie soooo..... bad.
Ye r.. da la ni 1st movie TOMA. Haih..
Rase cm nk g Jepun skang n twus je tgk cter tu..
Ehe.. Tp hnye leh wt sme tu dlm mmpi je r.
;p Pape pn 1 hr nnt aku akn cube gk utk jejakkan
kaki kt sne. Amiiiin.....
Waaahhhh.. Nevesnye tggu respond pnonton utk cter ni..
Hope diowg suka dgn this movie.
Ku rase la, cter ni leh je box office n mng award.
Hmm.. tp tu stakat pe y ku rase r. Cmoge pe y ku rase ni
jd r realiti cz Toma really deserves da best 4 this movie.
(^o,^) mmmm.... Wish ya da besh, Toma-kun.
Minna-san, jya mata ne..
Tp kt Jepun r..
Hu2.. Hrp2 cter tu akn release r kt M'sia..
I really wanna watch diz movie soooo..... bad.
Ye r.. da la ni 1st movie TOMA. Haih..
Rase cm nk g Jepun skang n twus je tgk cter tu..
Ehe.. Tp hnye leh wt sme tu dlm mmpi je r.
;p Pape pn 1 hr nnt aku akn cube gk utk jejakkan
kaki kt sne. Amiiiin.....
Waaahhhh.. Nevesnye tggu respond pnonton utk cter ni..
Hope diowg suka dgn this movie.
Ku rase la, cter ni leh je box office n mng award.
Hmm.. tp tu stakat pe y ku rase r. Cmoge pe y ku rase ni
jd r realiti cz Toma really deserves da best 4 this movie.
(^o,^) mmmm.... Wish ya da besh, Toma-kun.
Minna-san, jya mata ne..
32 TomatoLurve:
kalo la tayang kt m'sia confirm.. p tgok da~ sbp mai kareshi de kt situ~ n support him..
tu r pasal. takat ni pn dgr cter nk tyg kt HK, Taiwan, n S'pore je. huhu.... tyg r kt M'sia skali da alang2 tu. -.-'
but toma bz lately kn? there's rumors which he'll act for 4th movie? hmph~
ganbatte kudasai toma~ kalo die dtg s'pore g x?
yup2!! bout da rumours, lw btul2 blaku pn xpe. hehe tp rindu nk tgk TOMA-kun blakon drama.huhu.. if dia g spore la, cilap2 ku wt kje gila utk g sne. uhuu.....
em,nk g gk- tp xd kwn T_T huhu, mber2 minat len, i mean band- so when their band come, ofcourse wt concert.. Ai, kalo la toma wt butai kt spore ke.. For sure ajk mber g ^^ jom2 n lg bgus kt istana budaya..lg dkt..haha
hehe.... if TOMA-kun g S'pore, jom r kte wt kje gila g S'pore sama2. hehe.... tp sgt sgt bgus lw dtg g M'sia twus. tu da tntu2 r akn g pny. (^o,^) tu r.. ma fwen lk x bnyk sgt y mnt jpnese actor. diowg g ske korea je. huhu
xpe i ade.. both of us~ like the same person kyaAh- doki2 heheh
yup2!! hehe.. thnk God i found u. (^o,^) at least dpt la borak & share anything bout our TOMA-kun. ureshii desu (^o,^)
me too.. even mai fwen.. not call mai name.. but mention toma name.. as me~ kyaAh.. love them..
minat korean gk.. tp toma mai ichiban.. so, byk nk thu toma story more than my Oppa..lalala
hehe.... sme r.. ma fwen da ckup msk da dgn prangai sy g m'gila dgn japan+TOMA-kun.hehe.. lw korean sy x mnt. g ske japanese.4 me, pape je bout TOMA-kun sgt mnarik utk amik tw. ntah r. rse cm sgt epy je lw dpt tw smthg bout TOMA-kun.(^o,^)
btul2.. cz.. die clean! hehe..toma-kun mai ichiban.. but kinda lazy to update.. even on9.. tp i ske cri cter2 lme die.. i mean when toma jr comey ja die msa 2.. kalo yg bru.. ske cri dr org cm u ^^
hehe....TOMA-kun ms kcik mmg sgt comey. active, epy go lucky, n sgt2 cute. ms dia baby g pn sgt2 comey. pipi dia mmg sgt2 chubby la. uwaaaa..... geramnye!! (^o,^) lw psl latest news tu plk, kdg2 tym tgh mrayap kt enternet tbe2 jmpe je. then twus ltak kt blog utk share dgn TOMA-kuns fan (^o,^)
ahaha.. dats y ske ltak cter lme die.. sbp kang ltak [konon2 yg latest] nt sme plak.. haha.. yup chibi toma.. ^^
chibi TOMa sgt cute 'aite?? . sgt x sngka chibi TOMA y sgt kecik dlu2 tu leh mmbsr jd sowg ikemen. sgt bbeza la. tp y x ph brubah dr dlu smpai skang ~ his million kilowatt smile. hehe.. *nosebleed*
agree with u.. he has his own originality [em, pe yg i nk buktikn ni?] huhu.. his smile dr dlu smpai skg sma je- tunjuk gg- n comel ^^
hehe.. n btambah comey g mnkin sebab his kuchibi cm kucen kowt. ;p . ehehe.. cz ble tgk btul2, da shape of his mouth mmg cm kucen ckit.
("\(=^o,^=)/") nyaaaaaaaa!!~
Kuroneko_No_Tango tibe2 tringat lgu ni- haha.. yaka.. his kuchibiru cerah kn? sme kaler ngn kulit die.. hu- kalah i :P
ehehe.. comey lgu kuro neko no tango tu (kucen itam b'tango) hehe.. tu r. so jelez wit his pink kuchibiru. huhu.. da mcm gal pulak.
kalo kite kna pkai kuchibine- hahahha.. yup2 tango3.. ^^
hehe.. tu r psl. ehe.. but TOMA-kun pnh kte y his kuchibiru cpt kering. n kdg2 staff-sun kne pinjamkn TOMA-kun lipbalm. huhu
owh yeke- xpe2 pkai lip balm.. nmpk comey gk- tp kn die ske ggit bibir die.. i mean cm kemam.. cmne ek nk kta- hhaha.. *blank*
hehe.. fhm2. mebi nk elakkan dpd tlalu kering kowt.. (^o,^) cian kt dia..
em, me pon de mslh 2.. tp ske kemam2 jek.. kurg ske ltak lip gloss.. balm.. or yg shine2 tu..haha..
tp toma xley ikut cre i xelok.. hehe
hehe.. sme r cz cm x slesa sgt pkai. but TOMA-kun dia mst kne jge bnda2 cmtu. ehehe.. ;)
musti- sbp die entertainer.. byk mata memandang.. even nk kua sat- paparazzi sntiasa ad.. if die cm xkemas.. msti ad je owg comment huk3
tp y jounetsu tairiku tu TOMA-kun mmg sgt sempoi. da la pkai suar pendek+sweater, cap, n tshirt biase je. then cuma pkai flipflop. sempoi tp maintain stylo. hehe.. ske sgt pakai flipflop smpai kna tgur dgn co-actor ms TOMA-kun blakon utk grease. :)
em kalo la ad m'sian yg pkai cm2 fuhh smart.. Pnh skli senpai g mam KFC ngn mber.. Then saw chinese, pkai cm toma.. Encem ^^ hahah.. Shirt putih, jaket itam yg cm mse die wt kjutan kt ohno[maou], cm 2la bju die pkai hehe..
waaa?? hounto?? uhux!! tp ssh nk jmpe guy y style diowg cm TOMA-kun cz style TOMA-kun len dpd owg len. unique+nice. evn lw pkai smple cmne pn msih nmpk stylo gk. ^^
haha.. well senpai ske sgt kalo toma kaler rmbut cm H&C huhu.. comey kn ^^
yup yup yup!! sgt stuju!! wuwuwu.. nmpk sgt innocent n comey je.. ske sgt style rmbut tu. simple, natural, n sooooo cute ^^
so ble nmpk chinese boy or japanese boy yg dtg m'sia style cm 2 mle la rasa cm toma-kun de kt cni kYaah!
huhu.. tu r.. if skang ni kte duk kt jpun mst chanz utk jmpa da real TOMA lbey bnyk kn. huhu......
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